Owaha Kamahi

Mantra: Owaha Kamahi
Meaning: This mantra strengthens your connection to the earth. It brings stability, strength, and inner peace. When you are grounded, you know what to do at the right time because there is a connection to the greater whole. We often make life too complex. Return to simplicity. Grounding also creates space within yourself. It gives self-confidence and stability. You need a solid foundation to build a house. Bring solidity to what you wish to manifest. It is the basis of all success.
Affirmation: I am grounded.
Mudra: Adi Mudra
Formation: This mudra is formed by placing the thumbs in the palm of the hand and closing the fingers over them, creating a light fist. The hands can rest on the thighs, palms facing down.

Effects: The Adi Mudra promotes calmness and grounding. This mudra is used to deepen breathing and increase body awareness.
Applications of "Owaha Kamahi" Mantra and Adi Mudra:
- For Grounding and Emotional Stability: Ideal during times of stress, to return to a state of calmness and balance.
- During Meditation for Deeper Grounding: Use this combination to deepen your meditation, especially when restless or lacking concentration.
- In Moments of Uncertainty or Change: This mantra and mudra anchor your energy in earth power and provide a sense of stability.
- When Seeking Inner Strength and Self-Confidence: this combination gives you grounding.
Explanation of Movement Language
Each step you take is connected to your belly. With resilience, you connect to the earth. You do this by bending your knees each time before placing each foot on the ground.
Make sure you don't sway from side to side. In a clear and defined way, you establish a direct connection. The power of simplicity is important here. This grounding dance is linked to giving in different directions, but you always come back to your center. Make a big circle around you while reflecting the rhythm with your feet.
The rhythm of the feet is the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Feel the greatness and the embrace of your arms while keeping contact with the rhythm of your feet. Repetition gives depth and ensures a meditative state. Resilience gives lightness and a feeling of upliftment.