I Am

The combination of "I am" with the affirmation "I am unique" is a powerful reminder of your own unique essence and value. Let's delve deeper into this combination.
Mantra: I am
Affirmation: I am unique
Meaning: "I am" is a very powerful mantra connected with the master Saint Germain of the Violet Flame. You connect with the all-encompassing power within yourself.
This powerful decree makes a direct connection with your higher self. You activate your own realization power.

Mudra: Abhaya Mudra
Formation of the Mudra: Raise the right hand to shoulder height with the palm facing outward and fingers pointing upwards. The left hand can rest on the lap or on the heart. This gesture symbolizes courage and protection.
Effects of the Mudra: Abhaya Mudra promotes a sense of strength, confidence, and self-acceptance. It helps in overcoming fear and uncertainty.
Meditation: With Abhaya Mudra, breathe deeply and imagine that with each breath, you build confidence and self-acceptance. As you exhale, visualize radiating your unique energy and qualities to the world around you.
- For Self-Acceptance and Self-Love: Use this mantra and mudra to accept yourself as you are and embrace your unique qualities.
- During Meditation: To develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and honor your true self.
- In Moments of Doubt or Comparison: When comparing yourself to others or doubting your worth, this practice can remind you of your uniqueness.
You acknowledge your Divinity. You connect with your Pure Potential. All thoughts that diminish and disempower you are transformed by the violet flame. The Violet Flame is a very strong cosmic force that can transmute karma and emotional traumas. It is a source of Light and Energy, which activates the alchemy of restoration and healing within yourself. The Violet Fire is the energy of freedom.
Explanation of the Movement
With "I am," the energy remains inwardly focused. I concentrate on the violet flame. The flame within me is still and centered. I am aligned with my own worth. From my lap, the flames open to the world. I let the force of protection and purification dance around me while staying in my center. I focus on this powerful flame that cleanses my field. The hands crossed in front of the chest are a sign of protection and inner freedom. Experience your unique being by staying more and more in your own frequency.
I am: I am my unique self
My contribution to the world is unique and valuable.